
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Loudest purr by a domestic cat

The loudest purr by a domestic cat is 67.7 dB (LA peak) and was achieved by Smokey, owned by Lucinda Ruth Adams (UK) at Spring Hill farm, Pitsford, Northampton, UK, on 25 March 2011.
Smokey is a domestic cat and achieved its record in its home, where it felt relaxed and happy. Accessories used during the record attempt include a grooming brush, slices of ham and stroking by hand.
The measurement was made by Class 1 sound level meter NA-28 by RION in the presence of a vet, a representative of Northampton Cats Protection, a local MP, and a sound engineer.
The LC peak was measured at 86.3 dB. The measurement was taken from a distance of one metre.

For the record

  • Who: Smokey
  • What: Loudest purr by a domestic cat
  • Where: Northampton, United Kingdom
  • When: 11 Aug 2010

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